Today, we are once again showcasing BAGALUT, who are traveling the Silk Road in a VW Grand California motorhome and have now arrived in Malaysia.
Their route took them through Russia, Mongolia, China, Laos, and Thailand, among other countries.
There are quite a few voices that convincingly argue that this route is impossible due to entry restrictions in Russia and the entry of motorhomes into Thailand. It's always refreshing to see travelers demonstrate that it is indeed possible (and report on it).
In my eyes, a nice vlog that the travelers have put together. Nevertheless, after 11 months at the end of the Silk Road, the vlog only has 1,720 subscribers, with many videos getting 1,400 views, and three "outliers" with 8,500 views.
This is roughly in line with the numbers of other travelers; you can only reap the rewards if the travel time is longer, or if you already have a significant number of subscribers at the start of the journey.
So, let's stay curious about how things will continue with BAGALUT!
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