The Silk Road in a VW Grand California

Buschfunk #4: News from the travel world

Vlog Rundschau and the current bush radio - travel inspirations not only for those who stayed at home!

Not everyone has the time to watch the VLogs (Youtube channels or Instagram accounts) of the protagonists in full length. So here comes a condensed update with the highlights - the latter at least from my perspective. Here you can dive into the travel worlds and the current sections with just one click.

THE LONG WAY I have been traveling with the two travelers on the Panamericana for a long time. With a Pajero you travel the Panamericana, keep a classic travel blog with great pictures and texts. You have just passed the Darian Gap. Maybe a fellow reader here has a tip about the starting problems of the Pajero, which apparently still persist.

Eva Beck recognizes that off-road is not quite her theme and also provides incredibly beautiful videos and pictures of dirt tracks with the wildlife of Baja. Interesting for those who want to target the east coast in Argentina at a special time of year - there are always wildlife experiences everywhere on the Panam.

Let's get otter here slowly sum up after 4 years of travel. From clickbait to travel fatigue, or getting back into a normal working life - really open and honest insights in their latest Q&A. Very personable, very transparent - great insights into the lives of these two friendly vloggers. They want to expand to MB Vario and 7.5to, who wants to sell - may find the right buyers there. 

blue sky home the still young channel offers insights into traveling with the Exmo, the expedition truck named Odin. Ivonne and Nicolas make clear with their appearance where the journey goes, very professionally, sympathetically and open-mindedly you try to find your new vocation from traveling. Advantages and disadvantages of the weight class you can take as a spectator relaxed, they have convinced me and I travel from now on gladly with!

Affe auf Bike - the world travel on a motorcycle, behind it is Ann-Kathrin, who has now really made it. With about 98k subscribers on YT, she now gets her motorcycles available.,but she started very small. It's exciting to follow her path, compared to all the other protagonists of bush radio, she was never too shy for real minimalism. How little it really needs, she shows us quite impressively on travelers with 4 wheels.

Vlog Rundschau and the current bush radio - travel inspirations not only for those who stayed at home!
Ushuaia parking lot view (c) by Sprintour

The parking lot in Ushuaia shows the spectrum of vehicles on the Panamericana quite well, which shows especially the off-road drivers that off-road is a can - and not a must. Mostly such vehicles are found on the well-trodden tracks of the Panamericana, whereby the classic white goods are still somewhat underrepresented. 

News Corner and Buschradio - News from the bush radio of the long-distance travelers:

You remember the current problems around the vehicle import / transit on the Trans Africa via the eastern route about which I already reported in #Buschfunk. The depot duties amount to higher sums depending on the travel vehicle, the reimbursement is still questionable and unresolved. 

Vlog Rundschau and the current Buschfunk - travel inspirations not only for those who stayed at home!
(c) by Greta

There are several sources on this, including:

A group membership is required.

But now several solutions are emerging:

Update: 27.12: For about 100$ per day a guide option has been announced:

Other travelers have apparently targeted Chad to avoid Ethiopia. Details were not yet (over) delivered, according to Insta you have reached Dafour, from Whatsapp came but already the success message. 

Forums that address that issue too: Wüschi and 4x4community

Relaxed it goes on the western route, where currently only the Nigeria visa must be applied for in the home country, which you can possibly even do before the start.

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  1. The Travellers who are linked above, was sucessfully able to enter Chad, if we read their Insta Update :-)


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