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Buschfunk #5: The Vlog Travel Review

Vlog Review and the current Buschfunk - travel inspiration not only for those who stayed at home!

Vlog Review and the current Buschfunk - travel inspiration not only for those who stayed at home! 

The Film People Zoë & Merlin are on the Transafrica over the West route heading south. Great insights and of course also emerging memories of our own Transafrica - we enjoy every minute with the two travelers! Currently they have just arrived in Senegal. It's exciting to see how the young generation experiences and copes with travel!

Sprintour shows us on the Panamericana the sadness of the region around Río Gallego, followed by the beauty of Torres del Paine. At least in windy Patagonia, the two suffer in the strong wind with their high build. A sliding door is practical here, which at least cannot be torn out of your hand!

kkdoo are the two travelers who have circumnavigated Ethiopia, from Buschfunk #4. Or at least they've once arrived in Chad. They let us travel with them as they explore the beautiful country on their own.

Bluelandy the last three vlogs from Saudi Arabia are simply sensational and lead to acute wanderlust! From camel races, to ancient architecture to large craters, very impressive images!

SwissOverlander entertains with really great videos from Greece, it's really nice to see such professional images once! A smaller channel shows the big protagonists how such videos should look. Class information source, from now on we're happy to travel with!

4WD 24-7 drive the Gibb River Road in Australia. An exciting insight into the overlanding scene in "Down under", insights into "off-roading" with the off-road camping trailer with room tour, product presentations and a breathtakingly beautiful landscape. A great mix!

News Corner - News from the Buschfunk of long-distance travelers:

Welcome to the first Buschfunk of the new year! What is heard from the rumor mill in the new year?

China has reopened its borders to tourism, according to the HUBB Forum, great news for those who have this country on their wish list.

Currently, neither the Carnet is accepted nor a TIP is issued in Ethiopia, a high deposit must be placed, whose refund is not considered secure. A way via a tour agency and accompaniment has been created, allegedly the first three vehicles have already taken this route successfully, but the source is not yet verified.

Details of the situation can also be found in the previous Buschfunk posts.

It is confirmed that Ethiopia can be circumvented, kkdoo have crossed Sudan and show beautiful pictures from Chad, where they are also traveling on their own again.

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