The Silk Road in a VW Grand California

Inclinometer for offroad and pitch

The inclinometer for offroad and sloping pitches. Even more often the inclinometer probably to a level pitch.

Recently I saw this beauty once again in a touring vehicle, a great little flashback to decades past. In the vehicle there was also a dashcam mounted directly behind it, really a great implementation. 

Currently, you can still buy the landmeter / clinometer in normal trade.
Around 31 euros are called out for it:

Experience has shown that novice drivers would never test the limits of the tilt angle themselves; the popometer reports that the tilt angle is too extreme far in advance. I always recommend that beginners test the limits in a driving course, where an experienced instructor can help.

Inclinometer and tilt angle. The land meter for displaying the tilt angle helps to prevent accidents when the vehicle is tilted sharply. Even more often it helps to get a really level parking place...
Most use the display probably mostly to find a level parking space, or with underride wedges or other documents to make the parking space even.

The inclinometer for offroad and sloping pitches. Even more often the inclinometer probably to a level pitch.
That our smartphones / tablets could also do this, is perhaps not quite so well known. As always, there are the appropriate apps. With the iPhone, however, this is already possible with on-board means, i.e. without an additional app. 

No matter what you take, of course, it always needs a kind of "calibration" or a place or installation site that then also offers a flat lying surface for the living extension or roof tent. By turning the iPhone 90 degrees, you then also have a suitable result.
Of course, this can be done very comfortably with an air suspension system, which is optionally available for some vehicles, for example. There, you can balance the parking space at the push of a button. Depending upon offerer one has then per wheel around the 16cm clearance, in order to balance also stronger inclinations. The picture below shows the difference between the axles. 

The inclinometer for offroad and sloping pitches. Even more often the inclinometer probably to a level pitch.

Others use leveling aids such as ramp wedges, air cushions, matching stones or firewood, or drive until they find a balanced surface so that one does not fall out of bed at night then.

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