The Silk Road in a VW Grand California

ChatGPT - the sensational achievement of publicly available artificial intelligence (AI).

The first artificial intelligence that anyone can try. The first AI that can be questioned by anyone. A chatbot AI/KI which mercilessly shows us the chances and risks of this technology. Which professions will the chatbot make obsolete? What opportunities does artificial intelligence offer? How good is the chatbot ChatGPT?

What's brewing here with ChatGPT is truly groundbreaking. It is the first truly public access to a chatbot, an artificial intelligence. After registering with name, email and SMS authentication, you can ask your own questions via web form.

Not only does the AI understand complex and complicated questions and answers accordingly. It's best to let the AI introduce itself right here: I want to blog about you. Can you introduce yourself briefly, in a few short sentences?

Gladly, I am a natural language based artificial intelligence model built on a technology called Transformer. I was trained by OpenAI by analyzing a huge amount of text to gain the ability to communicate in natural language and respond to questions and queries. I can perform tasks such as text generation, translation, writing suggestions, writing support, answering questions, as well as solving complex problems and creating content. I am continuously trained and updated to improve my performance, knowledge and enhance my skills. I'm here to help you and answer your questions, and I strive to give you the most accurate and useful answers possible.

And AI really does that in a depth that makes you sit up and take notice. So you can input the questions that are asked in university exams - and get answers that would get top marks. On any topic, such as mathematics, sociology or philosophy. The questions are answered as quickly as no specialist could provide them.
The first artificial intelligence that anyone can try. The first AI that can be questioned by anyone. A chatbot AI/KI which mercilessly shows us the chances and risks of this technology. Which professions will the chatbot make obsolete? What opportunities does artificial intelligence offer? How good is the chatbot ChatGPT?

If this already intimidates you, you can't sit back now. I asked the AI to write me the source code to clean up certain values in the Windows registry. And asked for the implementation with Auto-IT, a rather less known scripting language.

The first artificial intelligence that anyone can try. The first AI that can be questioned by anyone. A chatbot AI/KI which mercilessly shows us the chances and risks of this technology. Which professions will the chatbot make obsolete? What opportunities does artificial intelligence offer? How good is the chatbot ChatGPT?

The implementation was much cleaner than my own script I wrote for this a few years ago. And it works as desired. Of course ChatGPT can also rewrite a script in any programming language. Below you can find the above script implemented in Powershell.

The whole topic opens a huge barrel of questions. Am I allowed to use texts and scripts of ChatGPT freely in the future? How long will such requests remain available to the general public? At what point will I have to pay for such requests? 
The first artificial intelligence that anyone can try. The first AI that can be questioned by anyone. A chatbot AI/KI which mercilessly shows us the chances and risks of this technology. Which professions will the chatbot make obsolete? What opportunities does artificial intelligence offer? How good is the chatbot ChatGPT?
And will our children really still answer their homework themselves, or will the AI take essential elements off their hands and write the solutions? In the future, will teachers use AI to write exams for students?

When I think about how unclear the professors expressed themselves in the university - no one could have answered the following question as simply and briefly as the example below shows.

We humans can learn in such a way also substantially more simply, if the most important facets are briefly and concisely again gegegen. And there is no one in front who brings in his own anecdotes, who loses the thread - or who likes to completely digress from the topic. So briefly and concisely summarizes me this also no technical book.

And this is "only" a chatbot and not yet an artificial intelligence as mankind imagines it, which independently drives technical developments, researches and develops itself further.

But it shows what will become superfluous. Such an AI answers many questions (still completely) without financial interests and it also makes an elaborate search engine inquiry completely unnecessary.

If programming and scripting is part of my daily job, then I can have it created much faster in the future with the help of the AI. Translations, texts - it is still me who has to ask the right questions.

The first artificial intelligence that anyone can try out. The first AI that can be questioned by anyone. A chatbot AI which mercilessly shows us the chances and risks of this technology. Which professions will the chatbot make obsolete? What opportunities does artificial intelligence offer? How good is the chatbot ChatGPT?

But such an AI can also become the editor of a daily newspaper itself, if you let it. It chooses topics and creates 20 articles - a snap and takes less than three minutes.

ChatGPT has already successfully completed a course at a university and passed the course exam.

The AI still makes small mistakes with certain questions, but every day it learns and gets better. But have a look at my questions and the corresponding answers:

What is the difference between Habermas and Adorno?
Jürgen Habermas and Theodor Adorno are both important representatives of the critical theory developed in the Frankfurt School. However, they have different views and emphases in their work.

Habermas was mainly concerned with the analysis of communication and the possibilities of reason and rationality in society. He developed the idea of a "communicative reason" that emphasizes the possibility of a rational and democratic society. He also developed the idea of an "ideational language game" that describes the conditions for rational and democratic communication.

Adorno, on the other hand, was mainly concerned with the analysis of cultural and social conditions and the critique of society. He emphasizes the ideas of "negative dialectics" and "cultural industry," which describe how society suppresses individual freedom and the possibilities of cultural development. He also developed the idea of "authoritarian personality," which describes how society makes individuals accept and reproduce authoritarian behaviors.

In general, Habermas' and Adorno's views differ in their emphases and their expressions, with Habermas focusing more on the possibilities of reason and rationality in society, while Adorno emphasizes cultural and social conditions and the critique of society.

I would like to create a dynamic website, which CMS can you recommend?

There are many content management systems (CMS) on the market that are suitable for creating a dynamic website. Some of the most commonly used and recommended CMS are:

WordPress: WordPress is the most widely used CMS and is often used for blogs and small to medium sized businesses. It is easy to use, has a large community, and a variety of plugins and themes that allow you to create almost any type of website.

Joomla: Joomla is another popular CMS that is often used for small to medium businesses and organizations. It has a good user interface, is flexible and offers many extensions.

Drupal: Drupal is another powerful CMS that is often used for businesses and organizations with advanced requirements. It has a steeper learning curve than the others, but offers more functionality and scalability.

Laravel: Laravel is a PHP framework that is commonly used for building dynamic websites. It has a large community and many available packages that allow you to create complex websites quickly and easily.

Ultimately, the choice of CMS depends on the requirements of your website and your skills. WordPress and Joomla are easier to use, while Drupal and Laravel offer more flexibility and power. It's best to take time to research the different options and decide which one best fits your needs.

Write me an article on the cultural scene in Zurich

The cultural scene in Zurich, Switzerland's largest city, is diverse and offers something for everyone. Whether it's theater, music, art or literature, Zurich has a rich cultural landscape that delights visitors and locals alike.

One of the most famous theaters in Zurich is the Schauspielhaus, which stages both classics and contemporary plays. It is the largest theater in the city and has a long tradition dating back to the 19th century. Theater am Neumarkt is another renowned theater in Zurich that specializes in staging contemporary plays. It offers an intimate atmosphere and excellent acoustics.

Music lovers will also get their money's worth in Zurich. The Zurich Opera House is one of the most important opera houses in Switzerland and hosts both opera and ballet shows. The Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich is another highlight of the city's music scene and offers a wide range of classical music. Additionally, there are numerous clubs and bars where you can listen to live music in a variety of genres.

Zurich is also an important place for art in Switzerland. The Zurich Museum of Design is one of the most important museums of design in Europe and offers a comprehensive look at the development of design from its beginnings to the present. The Kunsthaus Zürich is another important museum for art in the city and houses an impressive collection of works of classical modernism, contemporary art and art from Switzerland. There are also many galleries and exhibition spaces that regularly host temporary exhibitions.

Another important cultural institution in Zurich is the Zurich Library, which offers both an extensive collection of books and periodicals and a variety of events and readings. The literary and cultural scene in Zurich is vibrant and offers both locals and tourists many opportunities to become culturally educated and entertained.

Now I'm eager to see your own tests and results, you can get a better idea of the AI yourself.

The whole thing can be done easily via the following website:

If you want to test it yourself, you have to register with your name and email address & phone number. Email & SMS will also be verified via code.

The whole thing will revolutionize our search behavior. Will we still "google" for a recipe in the future or won't we just ask ChatFPT? One thing is already certain for me. No phone joker in the world comes close to ChatGPT.

And many professions in the field of copywriters, translators, programmers, IT and consulting can be well supported and automated with AI and also rationalized away. But where there are risks, there are also opportunities. The transfer of knowledge, learning, internalizing what has been learned - for me, this AI would have made my studies much easier.

Reading boring non-fiction books on economics - AI provides me with the most important stuff compressed in a way that makes it easier to digest, easier to learn and internalize. Convoluted highly complex scientific topics and sentence structures to the point - really great.

But that's also going to make nonfiction obsolete. And that will make it so horribly easy to manipulate what we learn.... A printed book creates a level of knowledge that cannot be changed in the first place, but it is correspondingly easy to intervene in the "knowledge" of an AI.

Just as it has already been established that interest groups edit individual topics in Wikipedia until the original facts are distorted, the statements of such an AI can be colored in exactly the same way, precisely because it obtains its knowledge from databases such as Wikipedia.

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